Drinking Water
You Can Always Trust
Delicious: Taste and odor-causing contaminants
are removed,
leaving only the
refreshing, natural taste of pure water.
Convenient and Always Available: A separate
water faucet
delivers filtered water, as you need it,
for drinking and cooking.
Maintenance typically requires replacing a single filter cartridge
about once a year.
Environmentally Friendly: Multipure water filters
use no
electricity (like distillation), waste no water
(like reverse osmosis),
and use no disposable plastic bottles or require trucking from the
bottling plant to the store (like bottled water)
Inexpensive: Multpure-filtered water is much
less expensive than
bottled water and water treated by reverse osmosis or distillation.
Certified: Multipure filters are certified by NSF
International to
effectively reduce specified drinking water contaminates. More
about Multipure filters
to select a filter
about drinking water