Examples of Anti-Science Arguments Employing the tactics of Gish Gallop and Argumentum Ad Nauseam
This page illustrates, by specific examples, two common tactics used by anti-science activists to present their propaganda: Gish Gallop, a ‘tribute' to the behavior of creationist Duane Gish, and Argumentum ad nauseam described here.
The roughly 369 total comments provided as examples
were posted over a 3 week period in February, 2020, in response to 3
times-standard.com - 2020/feb/23 - science for-you about-that water
fluoridation debate
lostcoastoutpost.com - 2020/feb/6 - fluoride
lostcoastoutpost.com - 2020/feb/4 – fourteen years after arcata
voted keep fluoride wa/
About 148 of the comments were from a single Gish ad nauseam Galloper Extraordinaire, GanG - identity changed to protect the guilty.
The problem with GanG's claims is not that fluoride isn’t toxic or dangerous to health at high exposure levels – all chemical, even water, are toxic and dangerous to health at high enough exposure levels. The problem is the stated (or implied) opinion that optimally fluoridated water is toxic or dangerous to health.
There is no legitimate scientific evidence to support any of GanG’s opinions, so they must be "adjusted" so they seem to support the opinions or just fabricated.
– or in the case of GanG’s comments, just throwing
out opinions over and over is sufficient.
> Fluoride is toxic, a toxic waste/chemical, etc.
> Fluoride is a drug (46 comments)
> Fluoride is “dangerous to health” (7 comments)
> Claims of “12000 references” in “The Case Against
Fluoride” (16 comments)
> Claims similar to:
Why should EVERY ADULT [EVERYONE] be forced ( without
consent) to consume it (a drug, a toxic chemical, fluoride)
causing all kinds of alleged health problems? (31 comments)
> Fluoridation supporters are part of a “BIG money fluoridation
scheme” (16 comments)
> 95% of the world rejects fluoridation. (9 comments)
> Fluoride is immoral and should be illegal (16 comments)
Anyone can Google "fluoride dangers" and find opinions of
anti-science activists that can appear to "confirm" a specific
opinion. How does
one determine whether those opinions are legitimate?
For example:
"The Flat Earth Society - tFES" and read "evidence" that the earth is flat.
"The Ark Encounter" or "Answers in Genesis" to find "evidence"
that the earth is younger than 10,000 years and all living land
animals are descendants of Ark survivors around 4,000 years ago.
"vaccine dangers" to find "evidence" that vaccines are more
harmful than beneficial.
Even if you search on those specific anti-science opinions, you
will also find references to scientific evidence that
fluoridated water is not dangerous, but is beneficial;
scientific evidence the earth is not flat but spheroid; evidence
the earth is roughly 4.5 billion years old and land animals have
been around for over 400 million years; and evidence that the
benefits of vaccination far outweigh any risks.
Obviously, if you search on "fluoride benefits", "flat
earth debunked", "how old is the earth" and "benefits of
vaccination", the results will be quite different from the
anti-science searches.
The problem is not what "conclusions" and "opinions" can be
found on a Google search, but how to refine a Google search to
present more legitimate scientific evidence - and even more
important, how to interpret the often thousands of results that
are presented in a Google search and determine which are
legitimate scientific conclusions and which are not.
An example:
1) Search on:
Science and Health Organizations that <b>Support</b>
Fluoridation - and you will find lists of specific,
well-respected organizations worldwide that continue to support
2) Search on:
Science and Health Organizations that <b>Reject</b> Fluoridation
- and you won't find lists of any major science or health
organizations. You
will find an anti-fluoridation site (FAN) that offers
1) a list of countries that don't fluoridate because of
political and other reasons that are not based on any scientific
evidence of harm from fluoridation, 2) a list of 13 Nobel Prize
scientists (all but 1 from before 1963), 3) "scientists from the
EPA" - which references a vote by a very small group of EPA
employees several decades ago (the EPA is not anti-F), 4) a list
of "<i>Thousands of Medical and Scientific Professionals</i>"
out of many millions of medical and scientific professionals in
the world (in fact the FAN evidence suggests fewer than 0.02% of
relevant professionals in the world signed the anti-F
petition)., 5-10) more non-science and non-health groups.
Bottom line -
After a search on science and health organizations that support
or reject fluoridation, if you don't have significant science
&/or health care training and experience, would it make sense to
listen to (and trust) the majority of science and health
experts? Or would
you take your chances with the opinions of outlier fluoridation
opponents whose opinions are not supported by well-recognized
science and health organizations.
Anti-F support is only from a handful of alternative
“health” organizations like the IAOMT, some activist groups like
FAN, nyscof, the
CHD (with an anti-vax agenda) and some conspiracy theory
fanatics like Alex Jones [INFOWARS], David Icke [Son of the
Godhead] and Mike Adams [Natural News]. Extremely strong
opinions and vocal arguments can't hide the lack of legitimate
scientific support for the anti-F opinions.
If you had relevant science &/or health care training, you would
not have to place as much trust in the conclusions of others,
and you could personally evaluate some of the actual scientific
evidence presented by proponents and opponents of fluoridation
and see which studies/reviews were designed, conducted and
evaluated fairly.
The fact that the available scientific evidence from over 75
years has not convinced the overwhelming majority of science and
health experts in the world that the opinions of fluoridation
opponents are valid should be sufficient evidence for rational
non-scientists to accept the scientific consensus that
fluoridation is a safe and effective public health measure to
reduce the risk of dental decay and related health problems.
Fluoride toothpaste is widely available to apply to the tooth
Don't swallow the toxic fluoride in drinking water or toothpaste
which will adversely affect your thyroid, brain, bones and
Provide evidence of your opinions. Start with a single, relevant
legitimate scientific study that proves optimally fluoridated
water is toxic and adversely affects health. Then there will be
something to discuss.
Before you bother to reference a study, however, check it
carefully so it actually concerned optimally fluoridated water
(OFW), and make certain the authors actually concluded there was
a verifiable cause and effect relationship between drinking OFW
and whatever they were studying.
The only studies provided by fluoridation opponents as alleged
evidence all have one, usually more, of the following
1) The study referenced had nothing to do with drinking
optimally fluoridated water (OFW);
2) The study examined exposure to fluoride ions at far higher
levels than found in OFW;
3) Actual study conclusions were deliberately distorted, misused
&/or misstated to fit anti-F propaganda;
4) The study conclusions only suggested a possible weak
correlation (or association), not a causal relationship;
5) The study didn’t consider or adjust for numerous other
factors potentially associated with the alleged risk, and it
proved nothing;
6) The study was unrepeatable;
7) The study was demonstrably flawed and had significant
8) The claim was a complete fabrication.
An excellent example of a recent study used by fluoridation
opponents to try and prove their opinions valid is the 2019
Green, et al. paper. It has been under extraordinary criticism
by relevant science experts since publication last August. A
nearly unprecedented request from 30 science and health experts
to the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences for
the release of the Green et al. study data for independent
analysis was based on the fact that “In recent weeks, a number
of experts in epidemiology, psychology, statistical methodology
and other fields have raised numerous concerns about the Green
article, including the following:”
1. Focusing on a subgroup analysis amid “noisy data”:
2. Modeling and variable anomalies:
3. Lacking data on relevant factors that can impact children’s
intelligence and cognitive ability:|
4. Omitting crucial findings:
5. Using invalid measures to determine individual exposures:
6. Defining the final study group:
7. Assessing the impact of fluoride exposure:
8. Reporting anomalies:
9. Internal inconsistency of outcomes:
10. Overlooking research that conflicts with the authors’
You can find details of those criticisms and others here:
GanG Randy
In case promoters of the toxic fluoride missed it.
Even if fluoride were somehow helpful to children's teeth,
EXACTLY why should EVERY ADULT be forced (without consent) to
consume it in EVERY glass of water EVERY day of life and suffer
the serious health problems listed below?
Three scientist, one an M.D., offers the most complete
scientific proof of the ineffectiveness and health dangers of
this drug in this book, "The Case Against Fluoride: How
Hazardous Waste Ended Up in Our Drinking Water and the Bad
Science and Powerful Politics That Keep It There" It contains
over 1200 scientific references (over 80 pages), showing that
fluoride is ineffective for teeth and causes cancer, thyroid &
pineal gland damage, broken hips from brittle bones, lowered IQ
and dental fluorosis in children, kidney disease, arthritis and
other serious health program.
In case you have not understood the concept of exposure levels,
there is absolutely no legitimate scientific evidence that
optimally fluoridated water (0.7 pp, F-) is toxic.
This is the 5th time you have copy/pasted the nonsense about
tCAF. Repeating the name of an anti-F propaganda piece does not
magically create any validity. You have still never produced a
single reference from that work of fiction to prove any of your
opinions are true. That is expected, because as I noted the
other 4 times you referenced tCAF, no actual study that was
mentioned (nowhere near 1200, by the way) proved that drinking
optimally fluoridated water causes any of the health effects you
It is all so simple.
Put fluoride in your own glass of water – as much as you like.
Don't put this toxic chemical in drinking water, forcing
EVERYONE to consume it –- without consent.
That practice is immoral and should be illegal.
The solution for the fluoridation issue is, indeed, very simple:
1. Leave the fluoride ions in the water at 0.7 ppm.
2. Distillation, RO and activated alumina are available for
those who have been duped into fearing the process of
fluoridation by deceptive practices of fluoridation opponents.
3. Leave the rest of the population out of it, providing
everyone in the community, particularly the disadvantaged, the
benefits of strengthened enamel.
As you read through the comments, you have a choice. Believe the
promoter of this BIG money fluoridation scheme or go read the
scientists who are using current science and not 75 year
See the next comment for the book with 1200 scientific studies
and make up your own mind.
As you read through the comments, you do have a choice.
Trust fluoridation-related conclusions of The World Health
Organization which represents 191 countries, the British Dental
Association (around 22,000 members), the British Medical
Association (over 156,000 members), the Irish Dental Association
(over 1,800 members), the American Dental Association (over
114,000 members), the American Medical Association (over 200,000
members), the American Academy of Pediatrics (around 64,000
members), the Canadian Dental Association (over 16,000 members),
the Canadian Medical Association (80,000 members), The
Australian Dental Association (over 11,000 members), the
Australian Medical Association (over 28,000 members), the New
Zealand Dental Association (2,026 members), and around 100 other
nationally and internationally recognized science and health
organizations and their hundreds of thousands of members. Search
> What do water fluoridation supporters say? Campaign For Dental
Even if fluoride were somehow helpful to children's teeth,
EXACTLY why should EVERY ADULT be forced (without consent) to
consume it in EVERY glass of water EVERY day of life and suffer
the serious health problems listed below?
"The Case Against Fluoride: How Hazardous Waste Ended Up in Our
Drinking Water and the Bad Science and Powerful Politics That
Keep It There"
GanG - You have never explained how "EVERY ADULT" is being
"forced (without consent) to consume it [F-] in every glass..."
Who exactly is forcing everyone to drink the tap water - and
exactly what methods are 'They' using - physical force or mind
control? According to your twisted "logic", EVERY ADULT is also
being forced (without consent) to drink residual disinfectants
and disinfectant byproducts - which don't benefit health.
If you can provide a “scientific reference” from TCAF you
believe proves fluoridation causes harm there will be something
to discuss.
What do health experts say? - Campaign for Dental Health
GanG Randy
Can you imagine, "if fluoride is dumped into drinking water", –-
not understanding that EVERYONE is forced to consume it.
Supporting fluoridation may turn off the brain
What do you
Can you imagine, "if chlorine (a toxic chemical weapon) is
dumped into drinking water", –– not understanding that EVERYONE
is forced to consume it. The only thing you prove is that anyone
can make up any sentence to try and support any opinion.
GanG Randy
How ignorant!
Chlorine is used to treat the water.
Fluoride is used to treat the body (teeth) –- A DRUG.
WE should not be forced to consume a drug
So, where is your evidence that proves anyone, besides
fluoridation opponents, considers fluoridated water a drug?
Fluoride is used to treat the water to protect teeth. Only
someone who didn't care about public health would make a
completely irrelevant claim.
Explain, exactly are you "forced to consume" fluoridated
water (physical force or mind control?) - and who is forcing you
to drink fluoridated water?
Water treatment chemicals are all poisonous at high exposure
levels (so is water). Water treatment chemicals are used to
protect the health of citizens. Water treatment chemicals (and
created disinfection byproducts) are all diluted and regulated
to be within safe levels when the treated water is ingested.
GanG Randy
Yes, It is all so simple.
Put fluoride in your own glass of water – as much as you like.
Don't put this toxic chemical in drinking water, forcing
EVERYONE to consume it –- without consent.
That practice is immoral and should be illegal.
So, no actual evidence supporting your opinions -
that's to be expected, since there is none. Fluoride is no more
toxic in fluoridated drinking water than any of the other
chemicals, and it has the benefit of reducing the risk of dental
decay. No one is forcing ANYONE to consume treated water.
GanG Randy
Laughable – keep up the jokes.
See my first comment above for 1200 scientific studies to prove
Sadly, fluoridation opponents seem to believe this discussion
about an important public health measure is a joke.
GanG Randy
Actually forcing a toxic (deadly) chemical, fluoride, on
everyone without consent is no joke.
Read the science (see my comment above) which contains over 1200
scientific references (over 80 pages), showing that fluoride is
ineffective for teeth and causes cancer, thyroid & pineal gland
damage, broken hips from brittle bones, lowered IQ and dental
fluorosis in children, kidney disease, arthritis and other
serious health problems.
Of course not, but your opinion that fluoridation is a "toxic
(deadly) chemical" that is "forced... on everyone with consent"
is a joke, because it is completely unsupported - as evidenced
by your inability to provide any specific scientific evidence to
prove any of your claims. All you can provide is the opinions of
other rabid fluoridation opponents that interpret the evidence
in the same way as you - by selecting and extracting only the
studies and words you agree with and presenting them
out-of-context and manipulated to fit the anti-F opinions.
1) The study referenced had nothing to do with drinking
optimally fluoridated water (OFW);
2) The study examined exposure to fluoride ions at far higher
levels than found in OFW;
3) Actual study conclusions were deliberately distorted, misused
&/or misstated to fit anti-F propaganda;
4) The study conclusions only suggested a possible weak
correlation (or association), not a causal relationship;
5) The study didn’t consider or adjust for numerous other
factors potentially associated with the alleged risk, and it
proved nothing;
6) The study was unrepeatable;
7) The study was demonstrably flawed and had significant
8) The claim was a complete fabrication.
GanG Randy
Once again –––-
Even if fluoride were somehow helpful to children's teeth,
EXACTLY why should EVERY ADULT be forced (without consent) to
consume it in EVERY glass of water EVERY day of life and suffer
the serious health problems listed below?
Three scientist, one an M.D., offers the most complete
scientific proof of the ineffectiveness and health dangers of
this drug in this book,
"The Case Against Fluoride: How Hazardous Waste Ended Up in Our
Drinking Water and the Bad Science and Powerful Politics That
Keep It There"
It contains over 1200 scientific references (over 80 pages),
showing that fluoride is ineffective for teeth and causes
cancer, thyroid & pineal gland damage, broken hips from brittle
bones, lowered IQ and dental fluorosis in children, kidney
disease, arthritis and other serious health pro
The scientific consensus that fluoridation is a beneficial, safe
and effective public health measure (like the consensus that
water disinfection is beneficial) has not changed despite more
than 70 years of challenges by fluoridation opponents.
Fluoridation reduces the risk of dental decay and is beneficial
to both children and adults.
Search on: Fluoridation reviews and studies: cyber-nook
You have never explained how "EVERY ADULT" is being "forced
(without consent) to consume it [F-] in every glass..." Who
exactly is forcing everyone to drink the tap water - and exactly
what methods are 'They' using - physical force or mind control?
According to your twisted "logic", EVERY ADULT is also being
forced (without consent) to drink residual disinfectants and
disinfectant byproducts - which don't benefit health.
You continue to mention an un-scientific, un-reviewed anti-F
propaganda piece, TCAF. A quick read of the TCAF reveals that
there are not anywhere near 1200 unique legitimate scientific
references. In fact, many TV programs/videos, other books,
letters, personal communications and newspaper articles are
listed as “scientific literature”.
If you can provide a “scientific reference” from TCAF you
believe proves fluoridation causes harm there will be something
to discuss.
TCAF is authored by several of the more vocal anti-F outliers.
There are always a few outliers in the scientific/health
communities who dismiss the legitimacy of a scientific consensus
created by the majority of relevant experts. The outlier
opinions are driven by strong, inflexible personal beliefs.
GanG Randy
Those who cannot understand that dumping the toxic fluoride into
drinking water forces EVERYONE to consume it –- without consent
–- must already have a IQ reduction from fluoride. We are sorry.
You continue to repeat the same false, unsupportable opinions.
Fluorine, like chlorine is toxic only at far higher levels than
in treated water. No one os forced to drink treated water –-
without consent. There is absolutely no legitimate scientific
evidence that drinking optimally fluoridated water reduces IQ or
causes any harm. You have provided absolutely no relevant,
legitimate scientific evidence to prove any of your opinions –
of course, since there is none, that is to be expected.
GanG Randy
Promoters would prefer that you don't read the truth yourself.
Here is an easy place to see 1200 scientific studies and 3
scientists' conclusions.
Three scientist, one an M.D., offers the most complete
scientific proof of the ineffectiveness and health dangers of
this drug in this book, "The Case Against Fluoride: How
Hazardous Waste Ended Up in Our Drinking Water and the Bad
Science and Powerful Politics That Keep It There" It contains
over 1200 scientific references (over 80 pages), showing that
fluoride is ineffective for teeth and causes cancer, thyroid &
pineal gland damage, broken hips from brittle bones, lowered IQ
and dental fluorosis in children, kidney disease, arthritis and
other serious health problems
Once again, no legitimate scientific evidence that proves
fluoridation is a "drug", or that it is "ineffective" or
"dangerous to health". You list an anti-F propaganda piece, tCAF
(which doesn't reference 1200 legitimate scientific studies that
prove anything.
Have you even read tCAF and understood and evaluated the studies
referenced? I seriously doubt it, but it makes another snippet
for you to copy/paste.
I have read tCAF, and examined a number of referenced studies
- until it became obvious they were irrelevant. They all had
one or more of the following characteristics:
1) The study referenced had nothing to do with drinking
optimally fluoridated water (OFW);
2) The study examined exposure to fluoride ions at far higher
levels than found in OFW;
3) Actual study conclusions were deliberately distorted, misused
&/or misstated to fit anti-F propaganda;
4) The study conclusions only suggested a possible weak
correlation (or association), not a causal relationship;
5) The study didn’t consider or adjust for numerous other
factors potentially associated with the alleged risk, and it
proved nothing;
6) The study was unrepeatable;
7) The study was demonstrably flawed and had significant
8) The claim was a complete fabrication.
The conclusions of virtually every study had been presented in a
manner designed to convey the message that exposure to fluoride
ions in ANY CONCENTRATION was seriously harmful to health.
Fear-mongering can be extremely effective at molding public
Also, you have not described how EVERY ADULT is forced (without)
consent to consume fluoridated water. And you certainly have
provided nothing but opinions about any alleged health
GanG Randy
Best advice: Fluoride toothpaste is widely available to apply to
the tooth surface.
Don't swallow the toxic fluoride
Again, the best advice - trust the scientists and health care
professionals instead of the opinions of fluoridation opponents.
Fluoride toothpaste is effective at reducing the risk of decay,
and so is drinking optimally fluoridated water. Only someone who
cares nothing about public health would fight against
GanG Randy
WOW! How silly. Even a simpleton can see no one suggested
swallowing a tube of toothpaste.
But the tube does recommend that you call the "POISON CONTROL
CENTER" if you swallow any amount. They need to protect their
liability from this poison.
So don't swallow fluoride in drinking water or toothpaste.
Since the only levels of fluoride ions that could be considered
"toxic" are in toothpaste and dental products, and
because optimally fluoridated water is not toxic (unless you
drink to much and die from H2O poisoning), the only rational
conclusion is that you were referring to swallowing toothpaste.
If it were true that a glass of fluoridated drinking water was
considered to contain "toxic fluoride" levels, there would be
warnings not to drink the water, and the FDA would require
F-warning labels on fluoridated bottled water.
If this comment section was about not swallowing toothpaste,
your opinion would be in context.
The degree to which you twist reality is mind-numbing.
Randy Johnson
After over 70 years of use, even the ADA sees that fluoridation
has been a failure.
The Journal of the American Dental Association (Dye 2017)
reports, “65% of poor 6-8 year-olds and 12-15 year-olds have
cavities in their primary and permanent teeth, respectively.
More than 40% of children have dental cavities by the time they
reach kindergarten. “… there has been little improvement in
preventing caries initiation,”
said Dye.. “Childhood tooth decay is the #1 chronic childhood
illness in America.”
GanG - Wrong, as always. Your claim comes from an anti-F
interpretation of a study, "Trends in dental caries in children
and adolescents according to poverty status in the United States
from 1999 through 2004 and from 2011 through 2014" (Dye, et al.,
JADA, August 2017).
~> Contemporary evidence on the effectiveness of water
fluoridation in the prevention of childhood caries: Spencer, et
al., Community Dent Oral Epidemiol. 2018
Three recent studies have demonstrated an increase in dental
decay in cities after CWF was halted:
~> Juneau, AK – Consequences of community water fluoridation
cessation for Medicaid-eligible children and adolescents in
Juneau, Alaska: Jennifer Meyer, et al., BMC Oral
~> Windsor, Ontario – Oral Health Report 2018 Update,
Windsor-Essex County Health Unit
~> Calgary, Alberta – Measuring the short‐term impact of
fluoridation cessation on dental caries in Grade 2 children:
Lindsay McLaren, et al., Community Dentistry and Oral
Epidemiology, June 2016
The ADA continues to support fluoridation as an effective way to
reduce the risk of dental decay.
Search on:
> Fluoridation Facts, American Dental Association
> Fluoridation | Open Parachute
> American Fluoridation Society
> Fluoridation Reviews and Studies – cyber-nook
> Fluoridation and the Scientific Consensus – cyber-nook
> AFS response to 2017 NYSCOF press release, Fluoridation
GanG Randy
Of course, It is all so simple.
Put fluoride in your own glass of water – as much as you like.
Don't put this toxic chemical in drinking water, forcing
EVERYONE to consume it –- without consent.
That practice is immoral and should be illegal.
So, again, no actual evidence supporting your opinions -
that's to be expected, since there is none. Fluoride is no more
toxic in fluoridated drinking water than any of the other
chemicals, and it has the benefit of reducing the risk of dental
decay. No one is forcing ANYONE to consume treated water.
GanG Randy
More laughs – more jokes.
Note that the promoters of this toxic chemical, fluoride, simply
refuse to go read the truth that fluoride is ineffective for
teeth and dangerous to health.
See my first comment above for 1200 scientific studies to prove
Sadly, fluoridation opponents seem to believe this discussion
about an important public health measure is a joke.
Note GanG and other promoters of the unsupportable anti-F
opinions can't provide any legitimate evidence to prove
fluoridation is "ineffective for teeth and dangerous to
health" - not surprising, since here isn't any. See my
response above to your alleged but irrelevant "1200 scientific
GanG Randy
The issue is so simple.
Put fluoride in your own glass of water – as much as you like.
Don't put this toxic chemical in drinking water, forcing
EVERYONE to consume it –- without consent.
That practice is immoral and should be illegal.
The solution for the fluoridation issue is indeed very simple:
The fluoridation issue is, indeed simple - TRUST THE EXPERTS
1. Leave the fluoride ions in the water at 0.7 ppm.
2. Distillation, RO and activated alumina are available for
those who have been duped into fearing the process of
fluoridation by deceptive practices of fluoridation opponents.
3. Leave the rest of the population out of it, providing
everyone in the community, particularly the disadvantaged, the
benefits of strengthened enamel.
GanG Randy
The science showing that fluoride is harmful to health is not
the only problem. There is the morality and ethics of forcing a
drug on EVERYONE without consent.
A city bureaucrat should not be allowed to do so either. To
force EVERYONE to consume a drug,
fluoride,is immoral and should be illegal.
Again, nothing but your unsupportable opinions.
You have provided no specific scientific evidence "showing that
fluoride is harmful to health", because there isn't any.
You have never provided any evidence that fluoride is a "drug",
because there is none. Remember, the FDA regulates fluoridated
bottled water as a "Food for Human Consumption".
You have never demonstrated how a "city bureaucrat" is able to
"force EVERYONE to consume" fluoridated water. Is it by mind
control or physical force?
You continue to copy/paste the same anti-F opinions over, and
over, and over, and over, and....
GanG Randy
Good Fluoride toothpaste is widely available to apply to the
tooth surface.
Don't swallow the toxic fluoride
Best advice - trust the scientists and health care professionals
instead of the opinions of fluoridation opponents. Fluoride
toothpaste is effective at reducing the risk of decay, and so is
drinking optimally fluoridated water. Only someone who cares
nothing about public health would fight against fluoridation.
Your advice is relevant to advising against not swallowing a
tube of toothpaste, but a glass (or even a dozen glasses) of
fluoridated water does not contain toxic levels of fluoride
GanG Randy
Protect your health – read what experts say about the toxic
chemical, fluoride.
Once again –––-
Even if fluoride were somehow helpful to children's teeth,
EXACTLY why should EVERY ADULT be forced (without consent) to
consume it in EVERY glass of water EVERY day of life and suffer
the serious health problems listed below?
Three scientist, one an M.D., offers the most complete
scientific proof of the ineffectiveness and health dangers of
this drug in this book,
"The Case Against Fluoride: How Hazardous Waste Ended Up in Our
Drinking Water and the Bad Science and Powerful Politics That
Keep It There"
It contains over 1200 scientific references (over 80 pages),
showing that fluoride is ineffective for teeth and causes
cancer, thyroid & pineal gland damage, broken hips from brittle
bones, lowered IQ and dental fluorosis in children, kidney
disease, arthritis and other serious health problems.
Protect your health, read what the overwhelming majority of
actual experts has to say about fluoridation.
Search on:
> What do health experts say about fluoridation: Campaign for
Dental Health
> Fluoridation: Open Parachute
> American Fluoridation Society
> Fluoridation Facts: ADA
> Fluoridation and the Scientific Consensus: cyber-nook
Search this comment for "tcaf" to read several comments that
address the anti-F nonsense contained in The Case Against
Fluoride. It contains only standard, unsupportable anti-F
GanG Randy
Fluoride is a toxic industrial waste product (hexafluorosilicic
acid) which may also be contaminated with lead, arsenic,
radionucleotides, aluminum and other industrial contaminants.
The fluoride added to municipal water supplies is not
pharmaceutical grade.
The maladies from this forced pollution of your body include
(but aren’t limited to) lowered IQ, impaired mental development
(brain retardation) and dementia; damage to your kidneys, pineal
and thyroid glands resulting in hyperactivity and/or lethargy,
chronic fatigue and disrupted immune system; arthritic symptoms
and digestive tract (gastrointestinal) problems.
All fluoride ions dissolved in water are identical, and they all
come from natural sources - mostly fluorine containing minerals.
At least try to understand the science. All fluoridation
products are carefully regulated to be safe and have no
significant (or harmful) levels of contaminants when diluted. In
fact, the certification organization, NSF was only able to
detect the reported trace amounts by dosing the chemicals into
water at ten times the manufacturers maximum use level.”
Search on: NSF Fact Sheet on Fluoridation.
You are simply repeating false, anti-F propaganda. Do you have a
shred of specific evidence you can reference that proves adding
fluoridation chemicals at optimal levels increases any
contaminants to harmful levels??
There is none. You have provided absolutely no legitimate
scientific evidence to prove drinking optimally fluoridated
water causes any of the "maladies" you rattled off. Not at all
surprising, because there is none - as demonstrated in the
multitude of unsupportable comments you have blindly
Randy Johnson
The science showing that fluoride is harmful to health is not
the only problem. There is the morality and ethics of forcing a
drug on EVERYONE without consent.
A doctor or a dentist cannot force a drug on ANYONE. They would
lose the right to practice if they did.
A city bureaucrat should not be allowed to do so either. To
force EVERYONE to consume a drug,
fluoride,is immoral and should be illegal.
GanG - You are wrong, as always. Your claims again are nothing but
your unsupportable opinions.
You have provided no specific scientific evidence "showing that
fluoride is harmful to health", because there isn't any.
You have never provided any evidence that fluoride is a "drug",
because there is none. Remember, the FDA regulates fluoridated
bottled water as a "Food for Human Consumption".
You have never demonstrated how a "city bureaucrat" is able to
"force EVERYONE to consume" fluoridated water. Is it by mind
control or physical force?
You continue to copy/paste the same anti-F opinions over, and
over, and over, and over, and....
The science showing that fluoride is harmful to health is not
the only problem. There is the morality
and ethics of forcing a drug on EVERYONE without consent.
A doctor or a dentist cannot force a drug on ANYONE. They would
lose the right to practice if they did.
A city bureaucrat should not be allowed to do so either. To
force EVERYONE to consume a drug,
fluoride,is immoral and should be illegal.
There is no science proving "that
fluoride is harmful to health" (in relation to optimally
fluoridated water) as
demonstrated by your complete inability to provide any.
You have also provided not a shred of evidence to prove
fluoridation is a drug - never mind the absurd claim that it is
forced on EVERYONE.
If you believe some 'entity' is forcing EVERYONE to drink
fluoridated water without consent, then explain exactly who is
doing the forcing, and how they accomplish the forcing - do they
use physical force or mind control?
Rational individuals reading this understand that it is nothing
more than your unsupportable opinion that fluoridation is a
drug. It does not matter how a water treatment chemical protects
If you think you have proof that fluoridation is a drug then
provide that evidence. So far, like your complete lack of
scientific evidence that fluoridation causes harm, your opinion
that fluoridation is a drug is completely unsupported by any
Do you, for example, have proof that the FDA regulates
fluoridated bottled water as a drug? Of course not - fluoridated
bottled water is not regulated as a drug because it is regulated
as a "Food for Human Consumption”, and there are no warnings
required on fluoridated bottled water that the fluoride ions
could cause any harm whatever – in fact, someone who binged on
fluoridated water (bottled or otherwise) would die from
overexposure to the the toxic H2O molecules long before the
fluoride ions would cause any harm.
GanG Randy
Exactly why should ADULTS be forced to drink this poisonous
fluoride in every glass of water EVERY DAY OF LIFE
and then suffer the resulting serious health problems?
Modern science shows that ingesting fluoride, neither a nutrient
nor essential for healthy teeth, doesn't reduce tooth decay but
is damaging to the body, especially brains, bones and thyroid
Put fluoride on your teeth (toothpaste), not in the water or
your brains. Stop fluoridation. You will save money, protect the
infrastructure and, more importantly, protect the health of
residents forced to consume fluoride via the water supply.
Read the 2016 WHO fluoride review. Apparently you never have,
because it describes the multiple ways fluoride/fluoridation
reduces the risk of tooth decay in children and in adults.
Search on: 2016 World Health Organization, Fluoride and Oral
You have provided no evidence to support your claim that there
is a poisonous level of "fluoride in every glass of water"
that causes "serious health problems". That lack of
evidence is understandable, because there is no such evidence. A
glass of fluoridated, treated water is no more poisonous than a
glass of water treated with the chemical weapon, chlorine.
All water treatment chemicals are poisonous at high exposure
levels, they are regulated to be within safe levels when diluted
in drinking water, and they help protect the health of citizens
in different ways.
You mention "modern science", but you can provide no
specific, legitimate scientific evidence (modern or otherwise)
to prove any of your opinions. What do you hope to convey with
this repetitious gibberish except providing additional proof
that you have no legitimate scientific evidence to support your
GanG Randy
It is all so simple.
Put fluoride in your own glass of water – as much as you like.
Don't put this toxic chemical in drinking water, forcing
EVERYONE to consume it –- without consent.
That practice is immoral and should be illegal.
It is indeed simple. You can provide no actual evidence
supporting your opinions - that's to be expected, since
there is none. Fluoride is no more toxic in fluoridated drinking
water than any of the other chemicals, and it has the benefit of
reducing the risk of dental decay. No one is forcing ANYONE to
consume treated water.
GanG Randy
Note that the promoters of this toxic chemical, fluoride, simply
refuse to go read the truth that fluoride is ineffective for
teeth and dangerous to health.
See my first comment above for 1200 scientific studies to prove
You have provided no legitimate, scientific study that proves
anything - what is there to read. All you can come up with is a
work of copy-pasted anti-F propaganda by some anti-F activists.
I have addressed this copy/paste opinion over and over - all you
do is copy/paste another unsupported/unsupportable opinion.
GanG Randy
Fluoride is an industrial waste byproduct ( hexafluorosilicic
acid). . As aluminum production increased in the first half of
the twentieth century, it became necessary to find somewhere to
put the fluoride. Manufacturers could no longer dump it into
rivers or landfills, because it was poisoning crops and making
livestock sick.
So now they sell it to communities to dump in drinking water.
Really?? Provide proof that fluoride ions dissolved in optimally
fluoridated water (0.7 ppm) are any different from fluoride ions
dissolved naturally in water?
The fact is, all fluoride ions are identical, and every fluoride
ion comes from natural sources (fluorite, etc.) As always you
present nothing but your misleading, false, diversionary
Claiming that "Fluoride is an industrial waste byproduct" is
just another anti-science diversionary tactic, and is no more
relevant than an anti-disinfectant activist claiming that
“chlorine is a toxic chemical weapon added to water supplies
because it can’t be dumped into the air”.
Search on: A Natural History of Fluoride - Wired
GanG Randy
See my comments at the top.
Fluoride is a deadly poison and is destructive to health.
Why should EVERYONE be forced (without consent) to consume it?
See my reply to your comment at the top.
Community water fluoridation is not a "deadly poison", and it is
not "destructive to health". Over 75 years of studies continue
to confirm that community water fluoridation reduces the risk of
dental decay (which is beneficial to health). There is no
legitimate scientific evidence to support any of your opinions.
Most countries avoid fluoridation like the plague.
The truth is spreading and people everywhere are learning that
fluoride in drinking water is ineffective for teeth and
dangerous to health. With any drug, we all deserve freedom of
Consider that 95% of the world rejects fluoridation:
In the US, 74 % fluoridated (more than the rest of the world
In Europe, only 3%.
In the world, only 5%.
In Canada, now 30% –- down from 45% in seven years.
China, India and Japan have rejected it years ago.
Israel banned fluoridation in 2014.
No countries "avoid fluoridation like the plague." There are
many reasons some countries don't employ the public health
measure of fluoridation, but those decisions are not based on
the false claims that fluoridation is harmful and ineffective
promoted by fluoridation opponents. You would understand those
reasons if you bothered to read something besides
anti-fluoridation propaganda .
Search on: American Dental Association, Fluoridation Facts
Pages 29-30 and 102-103
As always, you provide no legitimate, relevant, reproducible
supporting evidence to prove any of your claims that
fluoridation is harmful or ineffective - why? because there is
no such evidence.
That lack of supporting evidence is precisely why the virtually
all the major science and health organizations in the world
continue to support fluoridation, and the anti-F opinions are
only supported by a few alternative “health” organizations like
the IAOMT, some activist groups like the CHD (with an anti-vax
agenda) and some conspiracy theory fanatics like Alex Jones
[INFOWARS] , David Icke [Son of the Godhead] and Mike Adams
[Natural News].
A wise man provided an excellent description of your antics, "Whenever
we have an idea in our heads for which we seek only confirming
information, that's exactly what we will find."– Brian
Dunning, 2019
You can also search on:
Fluoridation | Open Parachute
American Fluoridation Society
Fluoridation Reviews and Studies – cyber-nook
Fluoridation and the Scientific Consensus – cyber-nook
15 Comments, 2/24/2020
Most countries avoid fluoridation like the plague.
Consider that 95% of the world rejects fluoridation:
In the US, 74 % fluoridated (more than the rest of the world
In Europe, only 3%.
In the world, only 5%.
In Canada, now 30% –- down from 45% in seven years.
China, India and Japan have rejected it years ago.
GanG - Wrong, as always. Your claim
GanG - There are no countries that "avoid fluoridation like the
There are many reasons some countries don't employ the public health
measure of fluoridation, but those decisions are not based on the
false claims that fluoridation is harmful and ineffective promoted
by fluoridation opponents. You would understand those reasons if you
bothered to read something besides anti-fluoridation propaganda.
Search on: American Dental Association, Fluoridation Facts
Pages 29-30 and 102-103
You are simply stating results of political decisions which
unfortunately can be, and often are, based on many factors besides
science. One contributing factor is an irrational fear of
fluoridation promoted by irresponsible anti-fluoridation activists
whose dread of fluoride ions trumps all of the 70+ years of
scientific evidence that supports the safety and effectiveness of
community water fluoridation for reducing dental decay and related
health problems.
There is no truth and no supporting scientific evidence for your
claims that fluoridation is ineffective and dangerous to health.
Fluoridation is a water treatment process (not a medication), and
you have the same "freedom of choice" as anyone regarding
consumption of water treated with chlorine products and other toxic
chemicals which are added in safe levels to protect the health of
those who drink the water.
You have never been able to provide a rational answer for a question
I ask every time I see his comments. How do you explain two critical
1) Virtually all major science and health organizations in the world
(over 100) support fluoridation as a safe and effective public
health measure to reduce dental decay and related health problems.
2) There are no such science or health groups that support the
anti-F opinions – The only anti-F support comes from a few
alternative “health” organizations like the IAOMT, some activist
groups like the CHD (with an anti-vax agenda) and some conspiracy
theory fanatics like Alex Jones [INFOWARS], David Icke [Son of the
Godhead] and Mike Adams [Natural News]. Extremely strong opinions
and vocal arguments can't hide the lack of legitimate scientific
support for the anti-F opinions.
For Specific Evidence Supporting the Scientific Consensus Search on:
Fluoridation | Open Parachute
American Fluoridation Society
Fluoridation Reviews and Studies – cyber-nook
Fluoridation and the Scientific Consensus – cyber-nook
It is illegal for a doctor or a dentist to force ANYONE to take a
drug without consent. They would lose their right to practice if
they did so.
It is immoral for a local bureaucrat to force a drug on EVERYONE
(fluoridation) and should be illegal.
It soon will be.
GanG, No one would be "forcing" anyone. People vote. All adults are
entitled to vote. In a democracy, the majority wins. If you don't
like the outcome then you are free to take other steps including
moving. Why do you always talk about "forcing"? Please redirect your
attention to North Korea and China.
I am afraid we have to deal with reality Marvin ! Adding fluoride
into drinking water fits fairly well into a forced treatment given
to individuals. They can buy the now (since fluoridation) very
popular unfluoridated bottled water. But they still have to wash in
tap water.
One patient of mine went for nine months without showering as she
got severe asthma after either drinking or washing in fluoride until
the government that put the fluoride in finally gave her permission
to install the tanks with 60.000 litres (required for a years
supply) and use the safe rain water. So she recovered, although
still left with some chronic asthma that came on from the initial
fluoride exposure.
So when they find they get sick from ANY fluoride exposure, that
water fluoridation treatment puts people very close to what is a
forced treatment that can be putting their health at serious risk.
One of the puzzles of 'science' is why fluoridating governments
never bothered to check out properly the so called safety of this
forced treatment.
Wasn't it odd (?) that only those countries with independent medical
researchers like Dr Hans Moolenburgh during the 1970s in Holland did
proper double blind trials and found fluoridation was harming a
significant percentage (1 in 20) of the large number of people
PR - Explain exactly how your anti-F claim of adding fluoride into
drinking water is any more a form of "forced treatment given to
individuals" than claims by anti-disinfectant activists that adding
chlorine (a chemical weapon) into drinking water and creating toxic
disinfection byproducts is a form of "forced poisoning of
Have you heard of the nocebo effect? Since there are no legitimate,
reproducible studies that have ever demonstrated that water
fluoridated at optimal levels causes severe asthma, I suspect her
asthma was caused by something in the water or air besides fluoride
that lead her to suspect (probably because of hearing anti-F
propaganda) that the traces of fluoride were responsible. Do you
have any conclusive scientific evidence that proves she - or anyone,
for that matter - has ever gotten sick from drinking optimally
fluoridated water?
Provide a link to the Moolenburgh study that you believe proves your
claim and there will be something to discuss. The little bit of
investigation I have done seems to indicate there is considerable
reason to be skeptical of the study and any conclusions.
Randy Johnson
Fluoride is deadly poison, more than lead and slightly less than
A child died in the dentist office from swallowing a fluoride
Check the toothpaste tube. It says call the poison control center if
the child swallows the paste used.
The 75 year old science of forced fluoridation is simply wrong and
dangerous, but other big money schemes with the wrong science hung
on for years, like tobacco, DDT, lead in gasoline, and asbestos. The
drug, Vioxx, was approved by the FDA and caused 27,000 deaths (CDC
data) before it was recalled. Some say over 60,000 deaths. We
eventually learned the truth about all of these with corrected
science. Modern science (last 30 years) now shows the dangers to
health for fluoride.
So, it will take some time to overcome the old fluoridation scheme.
GanG - Wrong, as always. Your claim
Only you could confuse a tube of toothpaste with a glass of
optimally fluoridated water.
Only you could use an argument that a child died from exposure to an
extremely high dose of fluoride to suggest a glass of optimally
fluoridated water is harmful.
According to your "logic" people shouldn't drink water because a
number of individuals have overdosed on H2O and died.
One might expect a rational person to understand the fact that, unlike
fluoride ions, "tobacco, DDT, lead in gasoline, and asbestos"
have never been demonstrated to be beneficial or protective to
health at low exposure levels and realize that this is yet another
example either of failure to actually understand the evidence or
deliberate fear-mongering. It was the processes of science that
exposed the risk of Vioxx.
You have never explained why, if any of your claims are the least
bit legitimate, virtually all the major science and health
organizations in the world continue to support the scientific
consensus (of over 70 years) that fluoridation is a safe and
effective public health policy for reducing the risk of dental
You have also never explained the fact that the only anti-F support
comes from a few alternative “health” organizations like the IAOMT,
some activist groups like the CHD (with an anti-vax agenda) and some
conspiracy theory fanatics like Alex Jones [INFOWARS], David Icke
[Son of the Godhead] and Mike Adams [Natural News]. Extremely strong
opinions and vocal arguments can't hide the lack of legitimate
scientific support for the anti-F opinions.
The world's premier pediatric journal has published a new
government-funded study confirming our worst fears, linking exposure
to “optimally” fluoridated water during pregnancy to lowered IQ for
the child.
You can repair a cavity, but you cannot repair a child's brain.
The American Medical Association’s journal on pediatrics (JAMA
Pediatrics) has published the second U.S. Government-funded study
linking low-levels of fluoride exposure during fetal development to
cognitive impairment. The observational study, entitled Association
Between Maternal Fluoride Exposure During Pregnancy and IQ Scores in
Offspring in Canada, was led by a team at York University in
Ontario, Canada and looked at 512 mother-child pairs from six major
Canadian cities. It was funded by the Canadian government and the
U.S. National Institute of Environmental Health Scien
“...there was no safe level” of fluoride exposure during pregnancy.
GanG - Wrong, as always. Your claim
The Green, et al. study you referenced has been under extraordinary
criticism by relevant science experts since publication last August.
A nearly unprecedented request from 30 science and health experts to
the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences for the
release of the Green et al. study data for independent analysis was
based on the fact that “In recent weeks, a number of experts in
epidemiology, psychology, statistical methodology and other fields
have raised numerous concerns about the Green article, including the
1. Focusing on a subgroup analysis amid “noisy data”:
2. Modeling and variable anomalies:
3. Lacking data on relevant factors that can impact children’s
intelligence and cognitive ability:|
4. Omitting crucial findings:
5. Using invalid measures to determine individual exposures:
6. Defining the final study group:
7. Assessing the impact of fluoride exposure:
8. Reporting anomalies:
9. Internal inconsistency of outcomes:
10. Overlooking research that conflicts with the authors’
You can find details of those criticisms and others here:
Even if the analysis and presentation were properly done, the
alleged association (not cause) between fluoride exposure and any
variation in IQ was so small and the data scatter so huge that the
results were meaningless - except to those who must, under any
circumstances, find data that can appear to support their inflexible
Randy Johnson
Over 95% of the world's population is fluoridation-free. WHO data
indicates no difference in tooth decay in 12-year-olds between
fluoridated and non-fluoridated countries. Despite 7 decades of
fluoridation reaching a record number of Americans, official reports
indicate that a tooth decay crisis exists in the U.S.
Exactly why should ADULTS drink this poison in every glass of water
evert day of life?
GanG - Wrong, as always. Your claim
GanG - As noted in another comment, there are many reasons some
countries don't employ the public health measure of fluoridation,
but those decisions are not based on the false claims that
fluoridation is harmful and ineffective promoted by fluoridation
opponents. You would understand those reasons if you bothered to
read something besides anti-fluoridation propaganda.
Search on: American Dental Association, Fluoridation Facts
Pages 29-30 and 102-103
Fluoridation at optimal levels of 0.7 ppm is not a poison and
reduces the risk of dental decay (which can, in fact be harmful) in
children and adults.
What a great opportunity for residents of Arcata. Fluoridation saves
residents money. The amount varies according to the size of the
population but generally speaking for every dollar the municipality
invests, each resident saves $33 by not having to pay dental costs
for addressing cavities. Fluoridation reduces dental decay by
approximately 35%. There is no valid evidence that it harms
residents. Fluoride already occurs in most water supplies because it
is a mineral. Like calcium and salt, it is a nutrient. If Arcata
were fluoridated then the existing levels of fluoride would be
topped up to 0.7 parts per million. That is less than one part in a
million parts. Please don't let people dissuade you from listening
to public health authorities, who are already treating the water to
protect your health by adding carefully monitored amounts of
chlorine. Fluoridation at 0.7 parts per million would be good for
everyone and harm no one.
GanG M.R.
False. saving money with fluoridation has lone been scientifically
proven false. Almost one hall of parents have to pay for repair of
mottled teeth (dental fluorosis).
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC),
over 41% of adolescents in the U.S. now have visible signs of
overexposure to fluoride, called dental fluorosis. Fluorosis is
permanently damaged tooth enamel (white spots or pitted and stained
enamel) caused by excessive fluoride intake during childhood, and
appears to be an indicator of wider systemic damage.
GanG -
As always, you provide not a shred of evidence to support your
opinions - and you completely don't understand (or deliberately
misinterpret) the CDC source you do reference.
Provide specific, legitimate scientific references to prove that
drinking optimally fluoridated water causes fluorosis which
permanently damages tooth enamel or that "almost one half of parents
have to pay for repair of mottled teeth (dental fluorosis). Unless
you can provide such evidence, anyone reading your comments can
safely ignore them as fabricated anti-F propaganda.
250 Comments, 2/27/2020
( 100 comments by GanG)
Some Toothpaste labels say NO NOT SWALLOW for only one reason....
Hint, Because there is poison in those toothpaste formulas.
I feel bad for the kid who eats the entire tube of bubblegum
flavored fluoride toothpaste. Probably shaves 15 points off their
Randy Johnson Problem_Solved
Remarkable - I thought GanG was the only one who could possibly
equate eating a tube of toothpaste with drinking a glass of
optimally fluoridated water, but I guess I was wrong.
The FDA regulates fluoridated bottled water as a "Food for Human
Consumption", not an over-the -counter medicine like fluoridated
toothpaste. A tube of fluoridated toothpaste contains over 1,000 ppm
fluoride ions compared with a glass of water with 0.7 ppm. How many
warnings have you seen on a bottle of fluoridated water that says,
I called the City of Eureka water department and asked a simple
"How much fluoride are you dosing and what does it cost?
To my amazement I received a candid response:
"Our machine hasn't worked correctly in years, it sometimes dumps
very large quantities but Fluoride is safe and the machine is very
expensive. We spend about $30,000 annually on Fluoride."
Aside from the obvious absurdity of having city utility workers make
dosage decisions on a broken machine, $30,000 a year is enough to
provide every Eureka classroom with the importance of basic dental
It worked for cigarettes and those disgusting dark lungs they
shocked students with.
Randy JohnsonRandy Johnson
Who did you talk with, and what proof of your claims can you
provide?Who did you talk with, and what proof of your claims can you
provide? A serious claim like that requires significant,
verifiable proof! Even if true, that is not an argument against
the safety and effectiveness of fluoridation.
Most Everyone wants safe, clean water and not the added drug
The solution for the fluoridation issue is very simple.
1. Take the toxic waste fluoride chemical out of the drinking water.
2. It is still legal and available, so those who wish to take it can
then put fluoride in their own glass of water (as much as they
3. Leave the rest of us out of it, giving everyone the freedom of
The solution for the fluoridation issue is indeed very simple:
1. Leave the fluoride ions in the water at 0.7 ppm.
2. Distillation, RO and activated alumina are available for those
who have been duped into fearing the process of fluoridation by
deceptive practices of fluoridation opponents.
3. Leave the rest of the population out of it, providing everyone in
the community, particularly the disadvantaged, the benefits of
strengthened enamel.
Randy Johnson
People already pay for their drinking water. Why should they have to
pay additionally for distilling it to get rid of the fluoride drug?
Put as much as you wish in your own glass of water.
STOP forcing the drug on EVERYTONE without consent.
People already pay for their drinking water. Why should they have to
pay additionally for removing residual disinfectants, disinfection
byproducts and any other regulated chemicals they wish to avoid in
the safe, treated, water ???
Randy Johnson
Fluoride is the only DRUG added to drinking water. To have a
bureaucrat decide to force a DRUG on EVERYONE is immoral and should
be illegal.
You have provided not a shred of evidence to prove your opinion that
fluoridation is a drug - never mind the absurd claim that it is
forced on EVERYONE.
If you believe some 'bureaucrat' is forcing EVERYONE to drink
fluoridated water without consent, then explain exactly how they
accomplish the forcing - do they use physical force or mind control?
Rational individuals reading this understand that it is nothing more
than your unsupportable opinion that fluoridation is a drug. It does
not matter how a water treatment chemical protects health.
If you think you have proof that fluoridation is a drug then provide
that evidence. So far, like your complete lack of scientific
evidence that fluoridation causes harm, your opinion that
fluoridation is a drug is completely unsupported by any evidence.
Do you, for example, have proof that the FDA regulates fluoridated
bottled water as a drug? Of course not - fluoridated bottled water
is not regulated as a drug because it is regulated as a "Food for
Human Consumption”, and there are no warnings required on
fluoridated bottled water that the fluoride ions could cause any
harm whatever –- in fact, someone who binged on fluoridated water
(bottled or otherwise) would die from overexposure to the the toxic
H2O molecules long before the fluoride ions would cause any harm.
Randy Johnson
Treat the body (teeth) with fluoride?
Even elementary school students know it is a DRUG.
A city bureaucrat should not be able to force EVERYONE to consume it
–-and withour consent.
Everyone wants safe, clean water and not the added drug fluoride.
The solution for the fluoridation issue is very simple.
1. Take the toxic waste fluoride chemical out of the drinking water..
2. It is still legal and available, so those who wish to take it can
then put fluoride in their own glass of water (as much as they
3. Leave the rest of us out of it, giving everyone the freedom of
The solution for the fluoridation issue is indeed very simple:
1. Leave the fluoride ions in the water at 0.7 ppm.
2. Distillation, RO and activated alumina are available for those
who have been duped into fearing the process of fluoridation by
deceptive practices of fluoridation opponents.
3. Leave the rest of the population out of it, providing everyone in
the community, particularly the disadvantaged, the benefits of
strengthened enamel.
Over 95% of the world's population is fluoridation-free. WHO data
indicates no difference in tooth decay in 12-year-olds between
fluoridated and non-fluoridated countries. Despite 7 decades of
fluoridation reaching a record number of Americans, official reports
indicate that a tooth decay crisis exists in theU.S..
Exactlyywhy should ADULTS drink this poison in every glass of waterwhy should ADULTS drink this poison in every glass of water evert day of life?
GanG - Apparently you don't understand that there are many causes of
tooth decay and many ways to reduce the risk. Fluoridation, Brushing
with fluoridated toothpaste, dental treatments, good diet, genetics,
etc. are just some of the ways to reduce the risk of decay. Why
would a rational individual not support all methods of helping
reduce decay?
Fluoride ions in drinking water are no more a poison than the water
molecules in which they are dissolved - both will kill you if
ingested in excessive amounts.
I bet the same people who believe that worldwide dentistry is
involved in a MASSIVE conspiracy to poison them and their children
are the same crystal using, essential oil rubbing, anti-vaxxers who
believe that doctors, nurses, and scientists are involved in another
MASSIVE conspiracy to poison children with vaccines. Facts are that
the SCIENTIFIC community supports fluoride in the water as the
science backs it. That means thousands and thousands of people who
are more intelligent and methodical than the rest of us.
Copy/Pasted rant by Hesh Goldstein
against the atrocities thrust upon us by “Corporate America”, I have
been honored to associate with Dr. Paul Connett. Dr. Connett is a
university professor and devotes his life to testifying worldwide
against fluoridation. His website – www.FluorideAlert.org –
is by far
the most informative regarding fluoridation. What follows is his
– “The Arrogance of Fluoridation”.
Organized dentistry, which includes the American Dental Association
[ADA], the Oral Health Division of the Centers for Disease Control
Prevention [OHD] and state dental directors, is the only health
profession that seeks to deliver its services via the public’s water
The practice of artificial water fluoridation is the height of
arrogance when one considers the following undisputed facts and
scientifically supported arguments.
a) Fluoride is not a nutrient. Not one biochemical process in the
human body has been shown to need fluoride.
b) The level of fluoride in mother’s milk is exceedingly low (0.004
ppm, NRC, 2006, p.40). Formula-fed infants receive up to 175 to 250
times more fluoride than a breast-fed infant if using water
with .7 or 1 ppm of fluoride. Does the dental community really know
than nature about what the baby needs?
c) Fluoride accumulates in the bone and in other calcified tissues
over a lifetime. It is still not known what the true half-life of
fluoride is in the human bone, but an estimate of 20 years has been
(NRC, 2006, p 92). This means that some of the fluoride absorbed by
infants will be retained for a lifetime in their bones. Early
of fluoride poisoning of the bones are identical to arthritis.
accumulation of fluoride in bones can also make them brittle and
prone to fracture.
d) Once fluoride is added to the water supply, there is no way of
controlling the dose people get daily or over a lifetime and there
is no
way of controlling who gets the fluoride – it goes to everyone
regardless of age, weight, health, need or nutritional status.
e) The addition of fluoride to the public water supply violates the
individual’s right to informed consent to medical or human
The community is doing to everyone what a doctor can do to no single
f) Fluoride is known to have toxic properties at low doses (Barbier
et al, 2010).
g) Children in fluoridated countries are being over-exposed to
fluoride as demonstrated by the very high prevalence of dental
According to the CDC (2010) 41% of American children aged 12-15 have
some form of dental fluorosis. Black and Mexican American children
significantly higher rates (CDC, 2005, Table 23).
h) A 500-page review by the National Research Council in 2006
revealed that several subsets of the population (including
babies) are exceeding the EPA’s safe reference dose (0.06 mg /
bodyweight/day) when drinking fluoridated water at 1 ppm (NRC, 2006,
p85). The NRC panel also indicated that fluoride causes many health
problems at levels close to the exposure levels in fluoridated
communities (NRC, 2006).
i) An un-refuted study conducted at Harvard University shows that
fluoride may cause osteosarcoma (a frequently fatal bone cancer) in
young men when boys are exposed to fluoridated water in their 6th,
and 8th years (Bassin et al., 2006). Despite promises by Bassin’s
advisor (Chester Douglass) a subsequent study by Kim et al. (2011)
not refute Bassin’s key finding of the age-window of vulnerability.
j) There are many animal and human studies, which indicate that
fluoride is a neurotoxin and 37 studies that show an association
fairly modest exposure to fluoride and lowered IQ in children.
Twenty-seven of these studies were reviewed by a team from Harvard
University (Choi et al., 2012). In an article in Lancet Neurology,
Grandjean and Landrigan (2014) have since classified fluoride as a
developmental neurotoxicant. All these papers can be accessed at
k) For many decades no health agency in any fluoridated country has
made any serious attempt to monitor side effects (other than dental
fluorosis). Nor have they investigated reports of citizens who claim
be sensitive to fluoride’s toxic effects at low doses.
l) No U.S. doctors are being trained to recognize fluoride’s toxic
effects, including low dose-reversible effects in sensitive
m) Dental caries is a disease, according to the ADA, CDC’s OHD, and
the American Association of Pediatric Dentistry, and others.
Fluoridation is designed to treat a disease but has never been
by the FDA. The FDA has never performed any trial to ascertain the
safety of fluoride. FDA classifies fluoride as an “unapproved drug.”
n) The effectiveness of swallowing fluoride to reduce tooth decay
never been demonstrated by a randomized control trial (RCT) the gold
standard of epidemiology (McDonagh et al., 2000).
o) The evidence that fluoridation or swallowing fluoride reduces
tooth decay is very weak (Brunelle and Carlos, 1990 and Warren et
p) The vast majority of countries neither fluoridate their water nor
their salt. But, according to WHO figures, tooth decay in 12-year
is coming down as fast –if not faster – in non-fluoridated countries
fluoridated ones
q) Most dental authorities now agree that the predominant benefit of
fluoride is TOPICAL not SYSTEMIC (CDC, 1999, 2001)– i.e. it works on
outside of the tooth not from inside the body, thus there is no need
swallow fluoride to achieve its claimed benefit and no justification
for forcing it on people who do not want it.
r) Many countries (e.g. Scotland) have been able to reduce tooth
decay in low-income families using cost-effective programs without
forcing fluoride on people via the water supply (BBC Scotland,
s) While organized dentistry (i.e. the ADA/OHD) claims that
fluoridation is designed to help low-income families, it is hard to
such sentiments seriously when,
i) 80% of American dentists refuse to treat children on Medicaid.
ii) The ADA opposes the use of dental therapists to provide some
basic services in low-income areas.
Moreover, such a practice can hardly be considered equitable when
low- income families are less able to afford fluoride avoidance
strategies and it is well-established that fluoride’s toxic effects
made worse by poor diet, which is more likely to occur in low-income
t) Compounding the arrogance of this practice, neither the ADA, nor
the OHD will deign to defend their position in open public debate
provide a scientific response in writing to science-based critiques
(e.g. The Case Against Fluoride by Connett, Beck and Micklem).
Conclusion: It is time to get dentistry out of the public water
supply and back into the dental office. It is also time the U.S.
did its homework on this issue instead of simply parroting the
self-serving spin of the dental lobby.
Barbier et al. 2010. Molecular mechanisms of fluoride toxicity. Chem
Biol Interact. 188(2):319-33. Abstract.
Bassin et al. 2006. Age-specific fluoride exposure in drinking water
and osteosarcoma (United States). Cancer Causes and Control 17:
BBC Scotland. 2013. Nursery toothbrushing saves £6m in dental costs.
9. Online at http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-...
Brunelle JA, Carlos JP. 1990. Recent trends in dental caries in U.S.
children and the effect of water fluoridation. J. Dent. Res
CDC (1999). Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. 1999.
Achievements in public health, 1900- 1999: Fluoridation of drinking
water to prevent dental caries. Mortality and Morbidity Weekly
(MMWR). 48(41):933-940 October 22, 1999. Online at
CDC (2001). Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Recommendations for using fluoride to prevent and control dental
in the United States. Mortality and Morbidity Weekly Review. (MMWR).
August 17. 50(RR14):1-42. Online
CDC (2005). Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. 2005.
Surveillance for dental caries, dental sealants, tooth retention,
edentulism, and enamel fluorosis–United States, 1988-1994 and
MMWR Surveill Summ 54(3):1-43. Online
CDC (2010). Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. 2010.
Aguilar, et al. Prevalence and Severity of Dental Fluorosis in the
United States. Online athttp://www.cdc.gov/nchs/d...
Choi AL, et al. 2012. Developmental fluoride neurotoxicity: a
systematic review and meta-analysis. Environ Health Perspect
120:1362–1368. Online at
Connett, P, Beck, J, Micklem HS. 2010. The Case Against Fluoride.
Grandjean P, Landrigan PJ. 2014. Neurobehavioural effects of
developmental toxicity. The Lancet Neurology 13(3):330–338.
Kim FM, et al. 2011. An assessment of bone fluoride and
osteosarcoma. Journal of Dental Research 90:1171-76
McDonagh et al. 2000. Systematic review of water fluoridation.
British Medical Journal 321(7265):855–59. Study at
NRC (2006). National Research Council of the National Academies.
Fluoride in Drinking Water: A Scientific Review of EPA’s Standards.
Online athttp://www.nap.edu/catalo...
Warren et al., 2009. Considerations on optimal fluoride intake using
dental fluorosis and dental caries outcomes – a longitudinal study.
Public Health Dent. 69(2):111-5
Randy Johnson
Problem_Solved just copy/pasted a blog from someone else without
bothering to understand or fact-check any of the opinions.
Blogger Hesh Goldstein is also an anti-vaxxer and general opponent of
scientific conclusions, and he has the same type of ideas and
following as other anti-science activists and conspiracy theorists
like, Alex Jones [INFOWARS], David Icke [Son of the Godhead] and
Mike Adams [Natural News] who seem to believe most scientists,
“organized dentistry” and other health professionals either are too
ignorant to understand what they are doing or they understand the
(alleged) dangers are real and yet they do absolutely nothing to
protect their families and fellow citizens.
Absolutely none of the so-called "references" prove that drinking
optimally fluoridated water causes any harm. If P_S has any
understanding of anything, provide specific references (with author
quotes) to prove those claims. Then there will be something
besides personal, unsupported opinions to discuss.
The fact that there is no evidence supporting anti-F opinions is the
reason the major science and health organizations in the world
continue to support fluoridation as a safe and effective public
health measure to reduce the risk of tooth decay and related health
That fact is also the reason only a few alternative "health"
organizations like the IAOMT, some activist groups like FAN, nyscof
and the CHD (with an anti-vax agenda) and some conspiracy theory
fanatics like Alex Jones [INFOWARS], David Icke [Son of the Godhead]
and Mike Adams [Natural News] support the anti-F opinions.
FluorideAlert is perhaps the best source to find carefully selected
and presented fear-laced, anti-fluoridation propaganda. But why
would a rational individual accept propaganda on that activist site
without careful consideration of information from The World Health
Organization and dozens of other reputable science and health
~> who[dot]int/oral_health/publications/fluroide-oral-health/en/
~> cyber-nook[dot]com/water/FluoridationInformation-Reviews.html|
Without legitimate scientific proof to support their opinions,
anti-science activists count on the fact that providing a
laundry-list of unsupportable fear-based claims is often more
effective at influencing public opinion than a detailed discussion
of complex scientific issues. See Penn and Teller's petition to
ban dihydrogen monoxide (H2O) below. It provides an excellent
window into the effectiveness of fear-mongering tactics - even when
the arguments are fact-based, unlike those of anti-science
There is no legitimate, relevant, reproducible evidence that
drinking optimally fluoridated water is harmful to health. That lack
of evidence supporting anti-F opinions is the reason, after more
than 70 years of attacks by fluoridation opponents, the overwhelming
majority of scientists and health professionals continue to support
the scientific consensus that fluoridation is a safe and effective
public health measure to reduce dental decay and related health
The fact is, over 100 national and international science and health
organizations in the world (and their hundreds of thousands of
members) continue to support community water fluoridation – and no
such organizations support the opinions of fluoridation opponents.
All of Goldstein’s so-called “undisputed facts and scientifically
supported arguments” are nothing more than standard, unsupported
anti-F opinions with no relevance to any alleged harm of drinking
fluoridated water.
Dental decay and related health issues should not be ignored by
anyone who cares about the health of family members and fellow
citizens. Fluoridation opponents seem to believe there would be no
consequences to stopping or preventing CWF. Three recent studies
showing an increase in dental decay in cities after CWF was halted:
Juneau, AK –
~> openparachute[dot]wordpress[dot]com/tag/juneau/
Windsor, Ontario –
Calgary, Alberta –
~> onlinelibrary[dot]wiley[dot]com/doi/full/10.1111/cdoe.12215
Additional resources that expose the deceptive practices of
Goldstein and other anti-fluoridation activists.
The real danger is Dihydrogen Monoxide! DHMO kills thousands of
people every year. It's a main ingredient in pesticides, vaccines,
toxic cleaners, and can even dissolve metal. Knowing all that,
imagine what it's doing to your body!
GanG – Focus
Much too cute.
The dihydrogen monoxide parody involves calling water by an
unfamiliar chemical name.
Fluoride is a deadly poison whereas water is –- well, water.
Take a look at how presenting true facts in a fear-based context can
easily sway public opinion. Then think of what can happen when
anti-science, anti-fluoridation activists aren't constrained by a
truthful presentation of the evidence.
Randy Johnson
We have to admire the persistence of these promoters of this BIG
money fluoridation scheme. The companies make $$$ selling their
toxic waste fluoride and the people suffer the health damage. What a
great plan.
Really?? So now you are promoting the conspiracy theory of a "BIG
money fluoridation scheme" as the reason all major science and
health organizations in the world continue to support fluoridation
and, the anti-F opinions are only supported by a few alternative
“health” organizations like the IAOMT, some activist groups like the
CHD (with an anti-vax agenda) and some conspiracy theory fanatics
like Alex Jones [INFOWARS] , David Icke [Son of the Godhead] and
Mike Adams [Natural News].
Of course, as always, you provide absolutely no evidence to support
your opinion - because there is none.
Focus GanG
Do you deny that thousands of people die by inhaling DHMO every
GanG Focus
You seem clever enough.
I suggest that you stick with the subject at hand.
Fluoridation results in waste of tax money.
Let people use fluoride toothpaste or buy their own at the
Focus – GanG
It saves tax money by preventing tooth decay, particularly in those
who can't afford dentist visits and who might not have great oral
hygiene to begin with.
As it happens, I use a toothpase that happens to be fluoride free,
because it's SLS free and doesn't irritate my mouth like most
toothpastes do. I'm glad i can get my flouride from water instead of
having to use Crest or Colgate or whatever.
GanG Focus
The world's premier pediatric journal has published a new
government-funded study confirming our worst fears, linking exposure
to “optimally” fluoridated water during pregnancy to lowered IQ for
the child.
You can repair a cavity, but you cannot repair a child's brain.
The American Medical Association’s journal on pediatrics (JAMA
Pediatrics) has published the second U.S. Government-funded study
linking low-levels of fluoride exposure during fetal development to
cognitive impairment. The observational study, entitled Association
Between Maternal Fluoride Exposure During Pregnancy and IQ Scores in
Offspring in Canada, was led by a team at York University in
Ontario, Canada and looked at 512 mother-child pairs from six major
Canadian cities. It was funded by the Canadian government and the
U.S. National Institute of Environmental Health Science
The researchers found...
“...there was no safe level” of fluoride exposure during pregnancy."
From your study the conclusion was as follows:
Conclusions and Relevance In this study, maternal exposure to higher
levels of fluoride during pregnancy was associated with lower IQ
scores in children aged 3 to 4 years. These findings indicate the
possible need to reduce fluoride intake during pregnancy.
Key phrase being: "These findings indicate the possible need to
reduce fluoride intake during pregnancy."
Not that all people shouldn't drink fluoride water and as for
pregnant women only reduce the amount, not stop all intake.
SO, do you recommend we put it in drinking water and subject ALL
pregnant women to drinking as much as they like – that is to take
this drug without any medical guidance?
Some may drink two glasses and some ten glasses.
Do you (or does anyone) require "any medical guidance" for
consuming residual disinfectants and disinfection byproducts in
drinking water? Some might drink two glasses and some ten glasses.
Unlike fluoride ions, disinfection byproducts like chloroform are
not beneficial to health at any level.
You have never provided any evidence that fluoridation is any form
of medication, because there is none. In fact, the FDA regulates
fluoridated bottled water as a "Food For Human Consumption", not a
drug", and there are no warnings required on fluoridated bottled
water that the fluoride ions could cause any harm whatever –- in
fact, someone who binged on fluoridated water (bottled or tap) would
die from overexposure to the the toxic H2O molecules long before the
fluoride ions would cause any harm.
GanG - The criticism for the Green, et al. study you referenced has
been under extraordinary criticism by relevant science experts since
publication last August.
A nearly unprecedented request from 30 science and health experts to
the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences for the
release of the Green et al. study data for independent analysis was
based on the fact that “In recent weeks, a number of experts in
epidemiology, psychology, statistical methodology and other fields
have raised numerous concerns about the Green article, including the
1. Focusing on a subgroup analysis amid “noisy data”:
2. Modeling and variable anomalies:
3. Lacking data on relevant factors that can impact children’s
intelligence and cognitive ability:|
4. Omitting crucial findings:
5. Using invalid measures to determine individual exposures:
6. Defining the final study group:
7. Assessing the impact of fluoride exposure:
8. Reporting anomalies:
9. Internal inconsistency of outcomes:
10. Overlooking research that conflicts with the authors’
You can find details of those criticisms and others here:
Even if the analysis and presentation were properly done, the
alleged association (not cause) between fluoride exposure and any
variation in IQ was so small and the data scatter so huge that the
results were meaningless - except to those who must, under any
circumstances, find data that can appear to support their inflexible
– Johnson
Exactly why should ADULTS drink this poison in every glass of water
evert day of life?
Over 95% of the world's population is fluoridation-free. WHO data
indicates no difference in tooth decay in 12-year-olds between
fluoridated and non-fluoridated countries. Despite 7 decades of
fluoridation reaching a record number of Americans, official reports
indicate that a tooth decay crisis exists in the U.S.
GanG - You have already posted this nonsense, and the response is the
Fluoride ions in drinking water are no more a poison than the water
molecules in which they are dissolved - both will kill you if
ingested in excessive amounts.
Apparently you don't understand that there are many causes of tooth
decay and many ways to reduce the risk. Fluoridation, Brushing with
fluoridated toothpaste, dental treatments, good diet, genetics, etc.
are just some of the ways to reduce the risk of decay. Why would a
rational individual not support all methods of helping reduce decay?
The main chemicals used to fluoridate drinking water are known as
“silicofluorides” (i.e., hydrofluorosilicic acid and sodium
fluorosilicate). Silicofluorides are not pharmaceutical-grade
fluoride products; they are unprocessed industrial by-products of
the phosphate fertilizer industry. Since these silicofluorides
undergo no purification procedures, they can contain elevated levels
of arsenic — moreso than any other water treatment chemical. In
addition, recent research suggests that the addition of
silicofluorides to water is a risk factor for elevated lead
exposure, particularly among residents who live in homes with old
Randy Johnson disqusoncAs9xDWT
At least try to understand the science. All fluoridation products
are carefully regulated to be safe and have no significant (or
harmful) levels of contaminants when diluted. In fact, the
regulatory organization, NSF was only able to detect the reported
trace amounts by dosing the chemicals into water at ten times the
manufacturers maximum use level.” Search on: NSF Fact Sheet on
You are simply repeating false, anti-F propaganda. Do you have a
shred of specific evidence you can reference that proves adding
fluoridation chemicals at optimal levels increases any contaminants
to harmful levels?? There is none.
Similarly, the idea "that the addition of silicofluorides
to the water is a risk factor for elevated lead exposure..." has
been demonstrated to be completely false.
> Reexamination of Hexafluorosilicate Hydrolysis By F NMR and pH
Measurement: Finney, et al. Environ. Sci. Technol. 2006
> .” Blood Lead Concentrations in Children and Method of Water
Fluoridation in the United States, 1988-1994: Macek , et al.,
Environ Health Perspec. 2006
> Hexafluorosilicate and Fluoride Equilibria In Aqueous Solution:
Urbansky, E.T., Schocks, M.R., Intern. J . Environ. Studies, 200
Randy Johnson
Most countries avoid fluoridation like the plague.
The truth is spreading and people everywhere are learning that
fluoride in drinking water is ineffective for teeth and dangerous to
health. With any drug, we all deserve freedom of choice.
Consider that 95% of the world rejects fluoridation:
In the US, 74 % fluoridated (more than the rest of the world
In Europe, only 3%.
In the world, only 5%.
In Canada, now 30% –- down from 45% in seven years.
China, India and Japan have rejected it years ago.
GanG - No countries "avoid fluoridation like the plague." There are
many reasons some countries don't employ the public health measure
of fluoridation, but those decisions are not based on the false
claims that fluoridation is harmful and ineffective promoted by
fluoridation opponents. You would understand those reasons if you
bothered to read something besides anti-fluoridation propaganda .
Search on: American Dental Association, Fluoridation Facts
Pages 29-30 and 102-103
As always, you provide no legitimate, relevant, reproducible
supporting evidence to prove any of your claims that fluoridation is
harmful or ineffective - why? because there is no such evidence.
That lack of supporting evidence is precisely why the virtually all
the major science and health organizations in the world continue to
support fluoridation, and the anti-F opinions are only supported by
a few alternative “health” organizations like the IAOMT, some
activist groups like the CHD (with an anti-vax agenda) and some
conspiracy theory fanatics like Alex Jones [INFOWARS] , David Icke
[Son of the Godhead] and Mike Adams [Natural News].
You can also search on:
Fluoridation | Open Parachute
American Fluoridation Society
Fluoridation Reviews and Studies – cyber-nook
Fluoridation and the Scientific Consensus – cyber-nook
Randy Johnson
The big money made by the industries which sell their toxic waste
fluoride to communities instead of having to process and dispose of
it ($ billions) drives the promoters and all of the lobbyists hired
to conceal the truth with government and national groups.
Big money drove many issues for years like the "science" of tobacco,
DDT, lead in gasoline, thalidomide, and asbestos, which were all
wrong. The "Vioxx" science resulted in 27,785 heart attacks and
sudden cardiac deaths ( FDA data). The diabetes drug, Avandia,
caused 150,000 patients to suffer stroke, heart failure, bone
fractures, vision loss and death.
Remember when the health professionals advertised, "a pack a day
keeps cancer away?"
Over time the science corrects itself. It is time to correct
The 75 year old "science" of fluoride is outdated, discredited and
wrong as well, but it will take time to reverse this mistake.
Fluoridation is the biggest scam in human history netting industry
over a hundred billion dollars from sales and disposal cost savings.
GanG - Provide specific, relevant, legitimate evidence that your claim
that "big money" is responsible for the fact that virtually
all of the major science and health organizations in the world
continue to support fluoridation as a safe and effective public
health measure to reduce the risk of dental decay and related health
issues. You can't, because there is no such evidence, because your
claim is false.
One might expect a rational person to understand the fact that, unlike
fluoride ions which help protect health at optimal exposure levels,
"tobacco, DDT, lead in gasoline, and asbestos" have never been
demonstrated to be beneficial or protective to health at low
exposure levels and realize that this is yet another example either
of failure to actually understand the evidence or deliberate
fear-mongering. It was, in fact, the processes of science that
exposed the risk of Vioxx and Avandia.
You provide nothing but your personal opinions.