Ten Characteristics: 
As noted elsewhere, there are so many elements of NotScience it is difficult to provide a generalization that covers all aspects.  Below are some of the more important characteristics, and you can see how they contrast with Science, PseudoScience and BiasScience.
  Science NotScience PseudoScience BiasScience
  1. Science is concerned only with the description, investigation and understanding of the natural world.    NotScience beliefs, attributes and activities are concerned with all aspects of the human experience EXCEPT the specific processes and findings of science.  However, NotScience beliefs are critical to Science because they control how and why scientific knowledge is acquired and dictate how that knowledge is interpreted and used.

Strong beliefs and biases should never influence the collection and interpretation of evidence.  It is difficult to suppress bias and beliefs, so that is why blinded studies are very important where possible. 

PseudoScience claims are not limited to phenomena in the natural world.  Any claim within the realm of human imagination is acceptable. BiasScience is usually concerned only with the descriptions of the natural world.  The one major exception I am aware of is Creationists - they claim scientific evidence actually supports Creation by divine intervention instead of evolution.  The problem is that, by definition, Creationism requires supernatural intervention into otherwise completely natural processes.
  2. Scientific understanding involves discovering natural Cause and Effect Relationships between events.  Once natural cause and effect relationships have been understood, it is possible to make and test predictions about other natural phenomena (related cause and effect relationships). 
The existence of Neptune was predicted using Newton's law of gravity and perturbations in the orbit of Uranus.  Einstein's theory of general relativity predicted that massive objects would distort space-time and bend light.  Maxwell's work on electric and magnetic fields led to the prediction of radio waves. 
NotScience knowledge involves discovering and creating an understanding of the interaction of humans with each other, with all other elements of the natural world and with spiritual realms. PseudoScience understanding attempts to describe Cause and Effect Relationships between events, but neither the causes nor the effects have to be natural.  Also, obvious correlations between phenomena are often accepted as demonstrating causation because there are no processes that require testing of those assumptions in a controlled manner. BiasScientific understanding should involve describing only natural Cause and Effect Relationships between events.  Creationism adds periodic episodes of supernatural intervention.
  3. Science must be Objective: Accurate cause and effect relationships are discovered by observing, measuring and describing natural phenomena and by designing and performing experiments to collect and interpret evidence while minimizing personal biases. NotScience beliefs and interpretations of the world are Subjective (a person's perception of reality).  However, the methods of science are employed to accumulate Objective knowledge which is then used to support and justify NotScience beliefs.

Ideally, Science and NotScience function in a symbiotic relationship -- NotScience beleifs and ethics guide the scientists and provide a moral foundation for the interpretation and application of scientific knowledge while accurate, factual, morally neutral scientific knowledge provides the foundation on which the physical components of human civilization are built.

Personal biases and beliefs are precisely what create PseudoScience.  PseudoScience is not limited to Objective, Natural reality:  Cause and effect relationships are invented after observing and describing natural phenomena or after witnessing events that are perceived as supernatural. BiasScience, by definition is NOT Objective: Cause and effect relationships are created by observing, measuring and describing natural phenomena and by designing and performing experiments to collect and interpret evidence while maximizing personal biases.  Research that does not conform to required biases is ignored, and experiments are designed, carried out and results analyzed to justify a specific belief.
  4. By definition the natural world and natural cause and effect relationships can only be observed, measured and tested using our 5 basic senses and tools that can extend them. As far as anyone can reliably demonstrate, the natural world can only be observed, measured and tested using our 5 basic senses (and tools that can extend them), and this information also contributes to our NotScience understanding of the world.  Much of NotScience, though, involves personal, internal reactions to events happening within the natural world - belief, disbelief; happy, sad; fearful, confident; moral and artistic feelings and judgments.  These reactions cannot be judged by the methods of science.  Similarly, the validity of any spiritual beliefs cannot be judged (or tested) by the methods of science. The natural &/or supernatural world and natural &/or supernatural cause and effect relationships can allegedly be observed using not only our 5 basic sense, but any invented senses or measurement tools that can be created to support the theory.  However, those invented senses or tools can ONLY be used by those with 'unique supernatural talents'. It is interesting that no one has ever been able to demonstrate any of the special talents in a controlled experimental setting.   By definition the natural world and natural cause and effect relationships can only be observed, measured and tested using our 5 basic senses and tools that can extend them.
  5. Science is Transparent (information is shared) and Assumes the Consistency and Predictability of Nature.  Scientific results are Reproducible - anyone who follows the published methods will obtain the same results. It is difficult to make generalization about the Transparency of NotScience beliefs and activities since the category covers so many disparate areas of human activity and belief.  Most NotScience assumes the consistency and predictability of nature (or the spiritual realm), however.  Similarly, the concept of reproducibility of results, as use in the description of Science, does not apply to NotScience. PseudoScience is not Transparent.  Results of PseudoScientific 'experiments' cannot be reproduced by anyone - only those who hold specific beliefs are able to 'validate' claims.  There is no assumption of the Consistency and Predictability of either Natural or Supernatural realms. BiasScience is BiasTransparent (only information that supports specific beliefs is shared as accurate).  BiasScientific results are reproducible only by those who share the beliefs, follow the biased methods and accept the biased analyses and interpretations.
  6. Science is a Human Endeavor - Consequently:
  • Scientists are afflicted with human eccentricities.
  • Science is often messy.  There can be legitimate disagreements and conflicting evidence, particularly with complex issues.
  • Uncontrolled Testimonials (anecdotal evidence) cannot provide scientific validation of a proposed cause and effect relationship.
NotScience is a Human Endeavor - Consequently:
  • NotScientists beliefs and activities are afflicted with human eccentricities.
  • NotScience is often messy.
  • All sorts of evidence - some scientific and some not - is used to support the various beliefs and activities within the NotScience realm.
PseudoScience is a Human Endeavor.  Pseudoscience allows full expression of uncontrolled human creativity. BiasScience is a Human Endeavor - Consequently:
  • BiasScientists allow their eccentricities to control the design, methods, analyses and interpretation of research.
  • BiasScience is perceived as less messy than legitimate science because only a small, edited portion of the available evidence that supports a specific position is presented.
  • Uncontrolled Testimonials (anecdotal evidence) are employed to enhance the biased interpretation of evidence.
  7. Scientific Consensus is Critical It is impossible to describe Consensus within the NotScience realm.  However, typically individual groups like those with specific political, religious, artistic, philosophical, etc. beliefs and goals will have a Consensus of beliefs within the group. Consensus is Irrelevant in the realms of PseudoScience.  Only believers can find the 'evidence' to support their beliefs. Consensus in BiasScience is only among those who have the same strong biases.  By definition, beliefs in any BiasScience area are NOT shared by the majority of scientists who accept the Consensus.
  8. Science Knowledge is Provisional, it is never fixed in unchangeable doctrines. In the realm of NotScience, belief in the permanence of knowledge, and the manner it might be subject to change, is extremely variable and depends exclusively on the group.  Some beliefs constantly change (like many artistic endeavors), some have beliefs that are a bit more fixed (like law and politics), and some are relatively unchanging (like many religions). PseudoScience beliefs can become unchangeable doctrine or they can change at the whim of the instigator - there are no rules or expectations. BiasScience Knowledge is fixed in unchangeable doctrines by the strong beliefs that drive BiasScience.
  9. Scientific Knowledge is Morally Neutral. Specific moral beliefs are a central component of (and define) many NotScience endeavors. PseudoScience Knowledge is Morally Neutral.   As with legitimate science, the ethics and morals of those who practice PseudoScience both determine how the information is acquired, interpreted and used. The acquisition and distribution of BiasScientific Knowledge can be driven by strong moral beliefs.
10. Scientific descriptions of the natural world (all theories and laws) should not be more complex than required to adequately explain a given natural phenomenon. The complexity of beliefs about the working of the natural and spiritual realms varies with the NotScience endeavor, and consequently no generalizations can be made. PseudoScience descriptions of 'reality' are simply presented in the most effective manner using compelling stories to convince others of their validity. The complexity of BiasScientific descriptions of the natural world (all theories and laws) is often less than those of legitimate science because evidence that conflicts with the beliefs has been edited out.