Reply to CarryAnne's 2-27-2021 AARP Comment
“There are
people who will attack the public health measure of
community water fluoridation no matter what the cost ––
both to the health of those who are left without a safe,
inexpensive way to reduce the risk of tooth decay and
the financial cost of fighting public and legal anti-F
attacks. And
no matter what the legitimate scientific evidence of
over 75 years says, they will disregard the evidence,
misrepresent it, and continue to say it is unequivocally
unsafe and ineffective. We’ve seen this over and over
since fluoridation began in 1945”
RRJ, 2/27/21
CarryAnne continues to selectively present
“evidence”, adjusted so it appears to support her
strongly-held, inflexible beliefs that community water
fluoridation is ineffective and harmful.
First three questions for CarryAnne:
How do you explain the
that the World Health Organization and over 100
respected science and health organizations worldwide
continue to support the scientific consensus that
fluoridation as a safe and effective public health
measure to reduce dental decay, and none support the
anti-F opinions?
Reference: -
How do you explain the
fact that the anti-F
opinions are only supported by a few outlier
science/health “experts”, a handful of alternative
“health” organizations like the IAOMT, vocal
activist groups like FAN and the CHD (with an anti-vax
agenda) and some conspiracy theory fanatics like
Alex Jones [INFOWARS], David Icke [Son of the
Godhead] and Mike Adams [Natural News].
Reference: -
The major science and health
organizations also support public health measures
like vaccination and other methods to slow pandemics
like wearing masks and social distancing.
Do you
trust those science-based measures?
If all the science/health organizations that
support fluoridation can’t be trusted to get
fluoride science correct, how can those
organizations be trusted to provide any trustworthy
health advice?
On the other hand, the IAOMT invited, for a September 2020 meeting, Christine Till (researcher involved with many studies promoted by anti-F activists), defrocked British doctor Andrew Wakefield, whose study linking vaccines and autism (which fueled anti-vaccination passion) was exposed as fraudulent, and Judy Mikovits, a former biochemist who starred in a viral video that promulgated a litany of false information on the coronavirus like, “Wearing the mask literally activates your own virus. You’re getting sick from your own reactivated coronavirus expressions and if it happens to be SARS-CoV-2 then you’ve got a big problem.” The IAOMT is an exceptionally good example of the only type of organizations that accept Till’s studies as well-conducted and relevant.
My explanation is that the legitimate scientific
evidence continues to support community water
fluoridation as safe and effective.
Trust the Experts!
All science-based public health measures (like all
science-based conclusions) are constantly subject to
challenge by new evidence that causes relevant experts
to reevaluate an established conclusion – that is how
science works. If there were ANY legitimate scientific
evidence that clearly supported the anti-F opinions the
relevant experts would act on that evidence and the
scientific consensus would change.
Since the actual evidence does not support the
anti-F opinions, fluoridation opponents abandon working
within the scientific/health communities and they take
their “adjusted version of the evidence” directly to the
public – the voters and elected officials often
responsible for making decisions to fluoridate drinking
water (or not). They trust that their “adjusted version
of the evidence” will be sufficient to scare a
significant number of voters and elected officials (most
of who are not trained and experienced scientists or
health professionals) into voting against fluoridation.
Next, to put into perspective CarryAnn’s claim, “ … the NASEM wrote that the NTP should clarify their processes …,
but does not dispute the NTP conclusion that: ‘…fluoride
is presumed to be a cognitive neurodevelopmental hazard
to humans. This conclusion is based on a consistent
pattern …”
NTP Monograph Timeline and Findings:
On 9/16/2020 a revised
draft of the draft NTP
Monograph was published, and it included an
important change to the Conclusion: “When focusing on
findings from studies with exposures in
ranges typically found in drinking water
in the
United States (0.7 mg/L for optimally fluoridated
community water systems) that can be evaluated for
dose response, effects on cognitive neurodevelopment
are inconsistent, and therefore unclear.” (p. 2)
In February 2021, the NASEM released its
review of the second revision of the draft
NTP Monograph and stated, “Even though the evidence provided appears
to show consistent indications of an association
between exposure to
concentrations and cognitive deficits in children,
the monograph falls short of providing a clear and
convincing argument that supports its assessment. It
also needs to emphasize that much of the evidence
presented comes from studies that involve relatively
high fluoride concentrations and that
the monograph cannot be used to draw
conclusions regarding low fluoride exposure
concentrations (less than 1.5 mg/L), including those
typically associated with drinking water
The recent studies listed by CarryAnne
will all need expert evaluation and repeatability. Like
all of the other studies fluoridation opponents have
referenced over the last 75 years claiming they “prove”
fluoridation is ineffective and harmful, it is extremely
unlikely these studies will survive expert evaluation as
legitimate evidence fluoridation causes harm.
Rational senior citizens –– along
with the overwhelming majority of science and health
experts –– consider fluoridation important. We
recognize that when we ignore science-based public
health measures like fluoridation, the impact for
children is life-long. When we continue to remove
fluoride from community water systems the risk of
dental decay and related health problems increases –
particularly for the underprivileged who often have
poor diets and limited access to dental care.